Town In Peril
An adventure fantasy, RPG made at MediaGymnasiet. As a humble traveler, you take on the task to save a town from its curse.
Your task is to find the holy artifact to save the town from its destruction. But it won't be easy when there are monsters in your way.
Project Details
Platform: PC, Console
Genre: Adventure fantasy, RPG
Engine & Tools: GameMaker, GML
Development: 6 months
Team: Three Game Designers

My Work
During this project, I was the only one working as a graphics artist as well as a narrative designer.
We came to the conclusion that the art should be more fantasy and pixelated. Because of the engine, I had to draw the frames individually.
Here is some of that work.

Movement Sprites
For the running animation I had to think about a lot of different things, some of those things were: Which hand he's holding the Sword/Bow in, The bowstring is on the right side, and also where the scabbard is placed.
Attack/Ability Sprites
The attacking and abilities sprites were like the movement, I had to keep in mind which side was facing the camera.
So in short I had make sure to make a rational animation based on the angle you the player the character from.

The Narrative
When writing the narrative we didn't want it to be something too complex so it's easy to digest. So I used a very common trope, with the player being the hero about to save a doomed town.

The quest is to fight your way through hordes of zombies and slimes, and get to the flaming demon so you can obtain the holy artifact to cleanse the town.
It's about this adventurer who talks to the town folks, and they then send him to the priest who gives him the quest.

What I learned
This being my first ever big project, it was a gateway into how it actually feels to develop a game. I got to experience everything from over scoping to crunching.
We had a schedule and planned everything we wanted to have, but we side-railed a little.
But what I learned from this project was that you can't predict anything, and the smallest changes can have big impacts.